

Ñapindá is a Barbecue in La Paz, Bolivia that has as a differential the way in which the dishes are prepared. In Bolivia is not usual to cook the meat in embers nor the fire ritual. The challenge was to generate an identity and all the graphic assets from zero as well as a marketing strategy with low-budget.

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Miguel Vallvé
Miguel Vallvé

Engagement Manager

Mela de Paula
Mela de Paula


Santiago Ramos
Santiago Ramos



Ñapindá is a kind of bush that grows in areas of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and Uruguay. The relationship with the native and regional was a fundamental requirement in the name. The catchy and tuneful spirit of the word was more important than the difficulty at the moment of choosing an internet domain (a really low priority stage to the client).

Ñapinda parrillada


The Ñ is and always will be a standard of the spanish tounge and due to its pronunciation is one of the most used glyphs at the moment of adapt native words in Latin America. This is the origin of the logotype curves to go along with a heavy typography with good legibility in small sizes.

As part of the graphic system other elements such as the claim (not necessary in small sizes) were developed.


Digital Marketing

There were analyzed different ways to get into the food market of La Paz where more traditional (and expensive) promotion methods are used. From Ameba we offered a risky vision sure that it will bring results based on other restaurants and a growing trend in the use of networks in Bolivia.

Despite Ñapindá continued with traditional promotion methods like printed flyers and the classic loudspeaker, every time we get actions into social media sales were exponentially increased up to five times.

Today Ñapindá owners use social networks almost in an exclusive way to promote the restaurant because the cost-benefit relationship can’t be ignored.

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